ServicesGeneral social services we provide

Teikiamos bendrosios socialinės paslaugos: informavimo, konsultavimo, tarpininkavimo ir atstovavimo. Informavimas: reikalingos informacijos apie socialinę pagalbą suteikimas asmeniui (šeimai). Konsultavimas: probleminės situacijos analizė kartu su asmeniu (ir/ar artimaisiais, siekiant surasti veiksmingų problemos sprendimo būdų pagal kompetenciją. Sąlygų sudarymas asmeniui konsultuotis su įvairiais Įstaigos ir kitų institucijų specialistais. Tarpininkavimas: pagalbos asmeniui (šeimai) suteikimas sprendžiant įvairias asmens (šeimos)...

General social services we provide:

    • Informing
    • Counselling
    • Mediation and representation

Informing: Providing information to individuals or families about available social care services.

Counselling: Analysing problem situations with individuals (and/or their relatives) in order to identify effective solutions for the problem at hand based on the individual's competencies. Providing the opportunity for the individual to seek counselling with a range of professionals within the institution and outside it.

Mediation: Providing assistance for individuals or families in resolving various issues (legal, health problems, economic, domestic), preparing documentation, making appointments with care professionals, mediating between the individual or family and other entities (such as other institutions, care professionals, persons).

Representation: Preparing documentation and providing accounting services for recipients of state social allowances and allowance services, including prospective recipients of state social allowances and allowance services of the Republic of Lithuania. The institution represents service recipients' rights and interests in the court of law and other administrative institutions.


BĮ „Vilniaus Lakštingalos namai“
Įmonės kodas 191738761
Acc no.: LT28 4010 0424 0399 2879
Support account no. LT42 7044 0600 0621 8109